Well this blog has suffered a complete blow of child abandonment, blog being child, and I being (as expected) the ill attentive father. I will at least say in my defense that I was playing father and role model to the children across France. My last month after Barcelona was a completely amazing one, and I want to write this as a tribute to the people and times I enjoyed.

I worked in the Pyrenees, back to my Chateau and bakery paradise, finally to a new site where I got to see a lot of my old compatriots. The job became more and more fun as you got all of the zany counselors mixing about the camps and wanted to add their own flare into the program for the kids. I spent a couple of weeks in the Pyrenees harassing kids as an east Indian crazy man, a week as a Slytherin being ruthless, competitive, and malicious as possible, and a week convincing grown men I was a woman in an inappropriately short black dress and Gladiator sandals. (Not to mention spreading the new makeup and fashion phenomenon ‘?’) Alas I am convinced there is no better way to say ‘Hello!’ and ‘Welcome to American’ than through deeds such as these.

I know my job may sound like a whole bunch of Nonsense, dress up, and playing around, and I dare say it is. However the kids only have fun when we have fun and give them all the crazy energy and attention we can. All I can really say is that I enjoyed everyday of my spring spent at American Village and any of the more dim moments just make the rest that much brighter. I thank all of my co-workers and friends for being as crazy with me as I could hope and giving me a plentiful pocket of memories to take with me along with my over packed and abused luggage. FARE WELL AmVil!

If anyone who has heard of my crazy and fun times working this spring and are interested in perhaps doing the same ask anything you would like to know and check out the camp at: www.americanvillage.fr